Welcome to my Wondrous Place

Hello and welcome to my new venture! I’d love it if you had a look around and read my pages. I will be adding to this BLOG often so do come back to check it out, even if you’re not ready for Counselling or Art Psychotherapy at this time.

I will be adding lots of useful themed information (especially relating to my Specialities), some fun round ups, showcasing artists and other therapists, and resources for your development and self care.

I know a place full of charm…

Billy Fury, Wondrous Place

Why Wondrous Place?

During my art psychotherapy training I was taught not to need to know the answers, and that we can only ever “wonder” what might be going on for someone else in their lives.

I want my service to be a place to encourage and develop this sense of wonder for me and for you. A warm, inviting, magical, sometimes challenging, but always safe, Wondrous Place…

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